Thinking out loud actually helps you determine what you want better subconsciously. But beware of whom are you thinking out loud with.

I wanted to build a strong and a positive team for my company that would potentially replace me or would free my burden. Formation of this team was a dream come true as this was one of the biggest responsibility given to me and also the task I loved the most in the recent times. But to formulate and form the team i was going through a tough phase of selecting people. I always had a guy in my mind who is the most eligible person to be a part this initiative. I always wished to groom him to be one. It took three weeks to prepare the eligible members. This guy was always the topper in the list. But the day I need to spell out the list for the last time. I removed him only because a day ahead when I was thinking out loud with one of the project managers. He just asked me a question if I can handle him with all the odds in our relationship. May be  he pinpointed the  right point that I wasn’t thinking about at all. I just gave a thought to it and learned that may I was the one who’s stopping his growth may be nurturing him as child is suffocating our relationship and may be if I leave him free or under someone else he might feel good. Like a child being sent to boarding school because I failed to understand him. If I hadn’t thought loud I may not have decided this.